If you anymore questions, please get in touch.

Does the school have to employ the trainee once qualified?

There is a strong desire by WeST schools to appoint our trainees, but not a guarantee that trainees will be employed as newly qualified teachers (ECT’s) once you have qualified.


How do trainees apply for Teach South West?

Applications are made through Department of Education Apply (from October 2021).  Schools will take the lead in interviewing and selecting candidates, but all School Direct candidates must also meet the standard entry requirements of our provider, Exeter University, as detailed in our Teach South West Entry Requirements.   Recruitment activities are high quality, open and transparent and will be subject to inspection by Ofsted.



Do I qualify for a bursary to support my training?

Please follow the link below :



What is the Train to Teach programme?

  • Our School Direct provider is Exeter University.

  • Autumn term – Trainees are at Ivybridge from the start. They get to see start of the year lessons and learn what their ECT year will be like.

  • Trainees complete full induction and have a Primary or Secondary School placement arranged for them in the second week.

  • Trainees will be in their first placement school for a week before starting their university course and have an open door policy to return any time during the Autumn term.

  • Trainees will have a full two week visit in November and a final week in December to support Christmas preparations and seeing the children before their placement in January starts in earnest.

  • Summer term trainees will be in their second placement school.

  • Throughout the spring and summer terms trainees will complete four seminar days at university.

  • PGCE completion is at the end of June.

  • Where candidates secure jobs for September there may be flexibility to work at the start of July in their new school this will be by arrangement with the individual school.

Please note placement schools are discussed and confirmed with trainees as soon as training course offers are accepted. (Earlier applications do afford more flexibility)


How has COVID-19 changed the way we work?

For the most part it hasn’t! Aside from face mask wearing, sanitising and one-way systems.

At Teach South West we believe in training you in the ‘real world’.

We interview virtually to try and support in-school bubbles.  Interviews take approximately 2 hours including a document check and written task.

Our Induction Training is always at Ivybridge Community College and gives you that vital pre-preparation for your ECT year where there is so much more to think about.

We organise any cross phase experiences (primary or secondary depending), although sadly due to Covid bubbles we hope this takes place in the Spring or Summer terms for 2020-21 trainees.

We are a hugely supportive family with Teaching School Lead – Amy Pearce, all our Lead Mentors, Reflective Mentors and for both School Direct courses, you will have all the university links you would have if you were attending a university based course are the same; lecturers and University Visiting Tutor.  You will learn alongside those attending university routes.  

    Need more information? Get in touch